
Any Questions?

Frequent Asked Questions offers Hassle-free Homams & Pujas physically at your location either for homes or for businesses. International devotees enjoy the convenience of conducting the Homams & Pujas relish live stream, recorded videos or photographs of Homams & Pujas we perform on your behalf at our premises.

Navigate to home page or services and click on VIEW SERVICES BUTTON, you will see a list. Choose the right Homam, Pooja or Ceremonies for which you wish to know the details. We provide details of procedure, purpose and benefits.

Normally,this is a fire ritual involving japa (chanting of moola mantra), avahana (invoking the Lord, Gods and Goddess), kalasha homam and several other vedic rituals others including sankalpam . Every homam begins with invoking Lord Ganesha and then the specialized moola mantra japam and other rituals . All your prayers are conveyed through the Sacred fire.

Yes you can contact our priest and will be able to get back to you with sufficient notice on availablity.

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    Best in class Pooja Services as per Vedic Standards with Satisfaction.

    Our vedic priest for everything you need!