Budha Graha Japam: Budha Graha Japam is done when the planet Budh takes the wrong position in one's horoscope. Budha is highly responsible for the businesses. Budha Japam is performed for never ending diseases like sugar and blood pressure problems and removes all the evil effects from the life. students who are week in studies or are not able to concentrate are also advised to do this Budha Japam.
Guru Graha Japam: Guru Graha Japam Performed when Guru (Jupiter) is not favorable, not performance well, unlucky is with you, Guru represents the great teacher. Peedaa pariharaartha- do the 16000 Japas (JAPAM) of Guru Graha.
Chandra Graha Japam: Chandra Graha Japam decreases the malefic effect and benefits the individual to a great extent. It neutralizes the negative effect and increases positive energy. Chandra Japa benefits in the life of an individual as it can remove all the mind problems and bring good spirit into life and remove mental problems. All the desires and success are being achieved in the life.
Ketu Graha Japam: Kethu Graha Japam - Performed when Kethuvu is not favorable, not performance well, unlucky is with you, He represents supernatural influences. Peedaa pariharaartha- do the 7000 Japas (JAPAM).
Kuja Graha Japam: Kuja Graha afflict gives rashness, short temper, aggressive temperament, cunning, thievish nature, scoundrel, sexual malpractices, impulsive desires, fanaticism, stubborn and untrustworthy.
Maha Mrityunjaya Japam: Maha mrityunjaya Mantra one of the oldest and most significant Mantras in Indian mythology and spirituality. The Maha Mrityunjaya Japam addresses Lord Shiva.
Nakshatra Japam: Nakshatra Japam is performed by summoning the God who principles the nakshatra of the person, at that point Mantras of that God, are recited according to the Shastras to get the favors. To neutralize the malefic effects of the planets in mahardasa or antar dasa and to attain benefic results from the same planets the scripture have prescribed significance of Nakshatra Japam and Puja.
Rahu Graha Japam: Rahu Graha Japam - Performed when Rahuvu is not favorable, not performance well, unlucky is with you, Rahu represents an Asura who does his best to plunge any area of one's life he controls into chaos. Peedaa pariharaartha- do the 18000 Japas (JAPAM) of Rahu Graha.
Shani Graha Japam: Shani is considered to be the indicator of misery, sorrow, death, restriction, longevity, leadership, integrity, wisdom, authority, humility. Saturn Planet is in black in colour and hence shows the darkside of the human beings such as conscience. Shani Graha Japam provides the immense benefit in the life of an individual by eradicating all the wealth and health problems and all the evil sprits are removed.
Shukra Graha Japam: Shukra Graha Japam Performed when Sukra (Venus) is not favorable, not performance well, unlucky is with you, Sukra represents wealth, pleasure and reproduction Peedaa pariharaartha- do the 20000 Japas (JAPAM) of Sukra Graha.
Surya Graha Japam: Surya Graha Japam is performed Surya planet is not favorable and unlucky in our life.Lord Surya is strongest Planet. Lord Sun rules over the head and brain of an individual.